Ø Searching tender NIT’s from Different Govt. Portals & Websites, News Papers, & from daily subscription mails.
Ø Getting approval for participation in the particular tender from top management, prepare the requisition for Tender Document Fee, Earnest Money Deposit etc.
Ø Study Tender Documents and Understand Pre-Qualification Criteria/ Eligibility Criteria.
Ø Preparing Check List of Documents to be submitted with Tender.
Ø Arranging Important Documents from Bank, Client & Chartered Accountant as per the Tender requirement.
Ø Checking PC/System Compatibility and Making Necessary Web Portal Settings before tender submission.
Ø Vendor Registration of E-tendering website/Portal.
Ø Writing Pre Bid Queries to the client & Attending Pre Bid Meeting and do necessary Site Survey if Required
Ø Ensures all relevant documentation for bid proposals is complete and accurate.
Ø Maintain bid working files.
Ø Preparation of cost sheet / rate sheet (Price Bid)
Ø Follow up with Management for Price Bid Approval.
Ø Preparation and Submission of tender before time Online & Offline.
Ø Respond to post bid queries made by dept. within time.
Ø Preparation of EOI, Empanelment, PQ etc.
Ø Responsible for all Tender Activities from initiation to Dispatch of the Tender.
Ø Assist in organizing brochures and confidential documents for tenders, correspondence, records and maintain an organized filling for smooth data retrieval.
Ø Maintain highest confidentiality for all tenders involved.
Ø As necessary provide support to subordinates and handle team as good leader.
Ø Attending weekly & monthly review meeting with Top Management.
Ø Maintaining all reports like EMD Refund tracker, Work Completed & In progress statements with Certificates & Work Order, All registration statements etc.
Ø After receiving work order sending acceptance, execution of contract agreement & PBG.
Ø Liasioning with the government departments post award of work for smooth functioning of contract.
Location: Mumbai (Goregaon)